Auditions for It's a Wonderful Life

Auditions for Greenwood Little Theater production of It’s a Wonderful Life – The Radio Play are set for Wednesday and Thursday, November 9 and 10 at 6 pm. The auditions will be held in the Davis Auditorium, 400 Cotton Street in Greenwood. Most of the roles are for adults but there are roles available for children in 5th grade and up. We’re looking to cast 10-15 actors for this production.

The play is being directed by Glenn Nail, Jeanne Gewalt and Dezarae Leto and have four public shows, December 8-11 and one show on December 8 for students and parents of Davis Elementary School.

Holiday tradition meets old-time nostalgia in this unique and sparkling version of the heart-warming Christmas tale of George Bailey and his guardian angel, Clarence. 

Actors perform It’s a Wonderful Life – The Radio Play in the traditional format of a 1940’s radio broadcast: standing behind old-style microphones, they create the play by reading their scripts, singing songs, and aided by 1940’s-style sound effects.  

We are hoping to get whole families involved. Parents and children. It’s a great way for parents to be involved in their child’s growth and artistic expression and to have a little fun themselves.


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