Shakespeare Summer Camp is back!
This summer, the Greenwood Shakespeare Project will once again collaborate with ArtPlace Mississippi and Greenwood Little Theatre to present the Fourth Annual Shakespeare Summer Camp for youth.
Youth enjoy camaraderie, performing Shakespeare during summer camp
“They call themselves the Shakespeare family,” said Steve Iwanski, who leads the Greenwood Shakespeare Project.
Shakespeare Camp still taking applications
There’s still time to apply and audition for this summer’s Shakespeare Summer Camp.
Deadline for youth camp is Tuesday
The roster for this year’s upcoming Shakespeare Summer Camp is filling up, but — good news — there still are some spots left.
Group to perform Shakespeare ‘scene fest’ this week
For many members of the Greenwood Shakespeare Project, participating is about more than learning neat new skills, such as sewing, carpentry or painting, or learning more about a poet and playwright largely considered the greatest writer in the English language.