Our Town Play Premieres at Greenwood Little Theatre
Greenwood Little Theatre premieres Our Town on Thursday night at 7pm. The play is about a small town, and the people who live in it. It presents life in New Hampshire in a town much like our own.
The play is a reminder to cherish each moment in life no matter how small, and is recommend for ages 10 and up.
Cameron Griffin, Stage Manager says, "It's a good story, I think especially for a town like this. I think a small town identity really goes along with, and anyone around here can probably identify with a lot that's being said."
Schedule for Our Town:
When: Thursday- Saturday October 11-13th 7pm
Sunday, October 14th 2pm
Where: Greenwood Little Theatre
Reserve or purchase tickets online at: Greenwoodlittletheatre.com
Tickets: $15-General Admission $10 Students
Greenwood Little Theatre members can reserve their seats online.